Sunday, January 29, 2006


I'm in Nairobi now. I've been travelling around Tanzania for a while with an American girl I met called Hillary. I crossed part of Lake Victoria, and spent some time in Mwanza, which is just south of it.

I met some cool Tanzanian guys, and they really looked after me. I was a bit suspicious of overly friendly Africans who had just met me, but they turned out to be genuinely nice friendly people. They showed me round the town, and insisted on buying me drinks, and paying for things. They also help me get a cheap second hand camera, as the one I brought to Rwanda was stolen the first week i was there, and i wasn't able to get a replacement anywhere in Rwanda. A

nyway, after that i went travelling with Hillary. we took a train together to Dar, and spent a day on Zanzibar island. We also went to Kilamanjaro Park, and did a day hike together. Anyway, I've left Hillary now, and have just been persuaded to go on a safari. I did see a lot of animals, but it was a bit of a nightmare. I mean, we got to see all big game, and I’m sure the pictures will be impressive, but we crammed into a tiny jeep minivan, and the temperature was ridiculous.

The people i was with were really cool, and i got on very well with two Israeli girls, and a French bloke called Jerome. We camped out in the bush, and had excellent time round the campfire. I'm now back in Nairobi, and its pouring it down with rain. I'm debating whether or not to take the night bus today or tomorrow. I'm having a great time, but i have very little time, as i always seem to be rushing round everywhere. I don't think I have had two consecutive nights in the same place for a week. I have seen some amazing things.


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